Animation Spray Happy Cheat Day / rerulili feat. Hatsune Miku( SNOW MIKU 2024 Ver. )_0
Animation Spray Happy Cheat Day / rerulili feat. Hatsune Miku( SNOW MIKU 2024 Ver. )_0
Hatsune Miku

Animation Spray Happy Cheat Day / rerulili feat. Hatsune Miku( SNOW MIKU 2024 Ver. )

¥1,650(Tax Included)

Release date2024/02/10End of sales2024/03/31

No longer available


Description of item

This is a digital figure of "Animation Spray Happy Cheat Day / rerulili feat. Hatsune Miku( SNOW MIKU 2024 Ver. ) *Under development. Product PV: Pre-Order Available Now!! *Scheduled for release in early April. Animation Spray for SNOW MIKU ( Hatsune Miku ) is now available!! She sings and dances "Happy Cheat Day." You should buy this digital figure to experience "SNOW MIKU 2024 Ver." SNOW MIKU 2024 Ver. ▶ ーーーー 「SNOW MIKU 2024」Official website▶ ーーーー ▼Download the HoloModels app here.▼ Please make sure that the HoloModels®︎ app is working properly on your device before purchasing the product.

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Sales area

Worldwide (excluding some areas)

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■Main item

Animation Spray Happy Cheat Day / rerulili feat. Hatsune Miku( SNOW MIKU 2024 Ver. )

No longer available


XR (AR / VR) Digital Figures



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