Professor Hershel Layton’s clothing(Chibiketai)_0
Professor Hershel Layton’s clothing(Chibiketai)_0
The Layton Series

Professor Hershel Layton’s clothing(Chibiketai)

¥2,200(Tax Included)

Release date2021/09/30End of sales2022/09/29

No longer available


Description of item

The avatar clothing of Professor Hershel Layton from The Layton Series is released for MakeAvatar app!

Professor Hershel Layton’s costume becomes "Chibi Ketai" style (deformed chibi design). Wear the clothing for your avatar made by MakeAvatar™, and go to virtual worlds! *This costume is only for "Chibi Ketai" avatar. ①Buy an avatar clothing, and you'll receive a serial number ②Login to XMarket (this website) ③Click "Enter serial number" button on the product page, then enter your the serial number. ④By linking your MakeAvatar app with XMarket accountk you can use the costume on the app. ========================= How to link MakeAvatar with DOOR: MakeAvatar PV: ▼Download app iOS: Android:

Compatible device


Sales area

Worldwide (excluding some areas)

Attached items

■Main item

エルシャール・レイトン 衣装(ちび化体)

No longer available


XR (AR / VR) Digital Figures



Make your own avatar with Your smartphone
